Hi, I’m Patty.

I’m a typical human who has lots of goals and has struggled to reach them. Not humongous goals, just your typical ones of “stop eating so many donuts” and “move more”. Sometimes I would hit a goal, but most of these goals just lingered on like herpes. For decades…ugh.

I just kept thinking that I wasn’t trying hard enough. I was the problem! Eventually, I would figure out how to do all the things I wanted to do. And THEN, I would be happy and healthy!


Then I got really tired. My hair started falling out. I had horrible stomach pain and other weird things were happening. I noticed I was missing the outer 2/3 of my eyebrows, my fingernails were curving up, and I was losing my ability to see in dim lighting…seriously! WTH? It was not a high point of my life.

I went to my doc to figure out what was wrong with me. In my case, he wasn’t that helpful. After several tests, my life still sucked and I had no answers. I did have a Prilosec prescription because docs at the time LOVED to prescribe that stuff. So…winning?

On a whim (hahaha…no it wasn’t. I totally had to plan it out –> don’t fall for my bullshit)… I tried a Whole30 elimination diet and discovered some things about myself, the power of nutrition, and the practice of functional medicine.

And I was SAVED!!! (Nope. That’s bullshit, too.)

I wasn’t saved, but I did feel a LOT better. And I became intrigued and interested in nutrition and functional medicine, which has only helped me feel even better since that first Whole30.

Long story short: It turns out that I had a yeast overgrowth in my gut, a parasite, and probably SIBO. Not fun. Not cute.

And in recent years (after the most stressful year of my life: 2018), I learned that I have an autoimmune disease (Hashimotos). And cortisol issues. And generalized anxiety. And probably ADHD (or is this just how I am now??) And probably about 10 food sensitivities, including gluten, soy, and probably dairy (though I have a real hard time admitting it because I love cheese, y’all).

I’ve been feeling good since overhauling my diet, but I want to feel great, so I decided to become an expert in health and wellness coaching. I thought I could “coach myself” to reach those herpes goals of mine. (…go back and read the first line if you missed it).

(Turns out that that’s not really how coaching works, but I digress.)

And now we’re finally here. The point of this site. The point of this post.

WHY SHOULD YOU CARE THO? I’m going to write up what I learn about how to reach these goals and share it with the masses. Because why is this information so damn hard to find?? I hope that my blog is a learning lab for myself and whoever else wants to tag along.

If you’ve been wondering why you can’t “just do the damn thing already,” come hang out with me. Maybe we can achieve our goals together.

In health and wellness and all that jazz,

FMCA Health and Wellness Coach Candidate
(That means I’m not certified yet. I’m still doing the coursework, but I will be soon.)